Persons With Lived Experience Subsidy

Principal investigator(s):

    Dawn Pickering and Chiquita Hessels

Continuous education and training are critical to staying well-informed and in providing optimal support to children with pediatric cancer and their families. This is because trusted treatment and care information may not be readily available or may be inaccessible in some cases.

For this reason, the Persons With Lived Experience (PWLE) Subsidy project aims to offer subsidies to help offset the costs to attend workshops, seminars, conferences, and enable participation in single courses and meetings that provide learning opportunities in areas related to childhood cancer. 

Moreover, to encourage active knowledge exchange, the PWLEs will be encouraged to share key takeaways from these learning opportunities and share them back with the PWLE Network and the Education and Training research theme to expand learning and exchange of reliable knowledge. 

By supporting patient advocates to acquire evidence-based information first-hand, ACCESS will help support active engagement of patient groups and offer advocates the appropriate tools to create and share tailor-made information that resonates with their communities.

To apply for a PWLE subsidy, please complete the application form here.

For more information, please contact Jenna Craig.

Principal investigator(s):

    Dawn Pickering and Chiquita Hessels