Pre-announcement: Pediatric Cancer Consortium funding opportunity (anticipatory)
Posted on: February 7, 2022
Every year in Canada there are nearly 1000 children diagnosed with cancer. It is the most common disease-related cause of death among Canadian children. Although survival rates for many of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in children and youth continue to improve, it is important to note that approximately 14.6% of children experience a relapse within five years of diagnosis. Furthermore, two-thirds of childhood cancer survivors will have at least one chronic or long-term side effect as a result of their cancer treatment.
In general, it is recognized that cancers in children act differently and are found in different sites than in adults, and that cancers in children tend to grow and spread throughout the body more quickly. Investments in pediatric oncology are needed to improve access to care and advance therapies and cures for young people in Canada.
The refreshed Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, recently released by the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC), identified the need for increased services and support for children, adolescents and young adults living with cancer. Additionally, childhood cancer was identified as a priority health issue at the 2019 World Indigenous Cancer Conference, by the Canadian Indigenous Research Network Against Cancer. There is also a strong community surrounding pediatric cancer research across Canada that includes clinicians, academic researchers, and advocacy groups. These advocacy groups are highly motivated and active grassroots organizations powered by parents, grandparents, patients, clinicians and others. These groups have a long history of advocacy and engagement with government and regulators helping to shed light on the needs of this community.
This funding will build on previous investments in pediatric cancer research by establishing a foundation for coordinated research, knowledge mobilization, and training/capacity building in Canada through the creation of a Pediatric Cancer Consortium.
The Consortium will advance a shared vision to collaborate and produce research that will influence policy and practice predicated on better science, better access, and better coordination to improve the lives of pediatric cancer patients and their families and caregivers. An interconnected Consortium will bring together the ecosystem of pediatric cancer research platforms, networks, research teams, policy makers and people with lived and living experience, Indigenous communities and organizations, health care providers and others.
The objectives of this funding opportunity are to:
- Establish a Multi-Stakeholder Pediatric Cancer Consortium which covers the cancer control continuum from prevention, to diagnosis, treatment and survivorship, while encompassing the breadth of stakeholders with a transparent, inclusive multi-jurisdictional recruitment and membership process, and innovative international research collaborations.
- Advance pediatric cancer research through platforms and projects in high-priority areas.
- Improve the research pipeline for the development and provide further access to drugs for children affected by cancer and their families, by working in the context of regulatory frameworks (Health Canada) for drug approval processes and with engagement of people with lived and living experience, to influence system improvements through research and knowledge mobilization.
- Advance equitable access to new and promising therapies regardless of geography, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.
- Build capacity for the next generation of pediatric cancer researchers through training opportunities embedded and interconnected across the Consortium.
- Maximize research impact and knowledge mobilization within and beyond the Consortium to help ensure evidence is integrated in and used to inform health policy, decision making and planning.
Funds Available
It is anticipated that the majority of the $30 million announced in Budget 2021 to fund pediatric cancer research will be allocated to the Consortium over two (2) years. As this stems from Budget 2021, CIHR is currently seeking approval of funding.
Anticipated timeline
These dates are estimates and subject to change.
- Program Launch: Mid-December 2021
- Expression of Interest: January 2022
- Application Deadline: Winter 2022
- Notice of Decision: Winter/Spring 2022
Contact Information
For general inquiries please contact:
CIHR Contact Centre
Telephone: 613-954-1968
Toll Free: 1-888-603-4178
The information contained herein is anticipatory only and does not represent an official funding commitment by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Accordingly, the information contained herein may differ from the official funding opportunity, if and when, that will be published on ResearchNet.